CGT supply chain orchestration: a how-to guide

About a year and a half ago, we were asked by a client in the US to help them implement capacity planning & detailed scheduling for manufacturing and quality operations in a CAR-T cell & gene therapy production plant.

What are the insights that we have gained since then? And what have we discovered as game-changing elements in the end-to-end supply chain orchestration? You will discover it in Geert’s presentation.

Key takeaways

  • In this new market, demand is exploding but supply chain is immature
  • There’s a mind shift towards a new kind of supply chain, with a lot of moving parts
  • Need to be extremely agile and be able to react in real-time to volatilities in the supply chain

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A stylized helix of DNA, illustrating the topic of this video: Cell and gene therapy CGT supply chain orchestration

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